6 reflections, 6 months into self employment

At the end of January 2023, I resigned from my role as Creative Director at much-loved PLATF9RM, my daughter had just turned 1, and I had been back at work for 6 months. I was burnt out, anxious, and uninspired.

Prior to my 6 years in an employed role, I had been self employed for 5 years, straight out of University. The stakes were lower then, I rented, didn’t have many responsibilities and with that youthful naivety, thought I could take on the world, or at least run a design studio in New York, which was my dream.

This time around is a very different story, I have an 18 month old daughter, a mortgage, the cost of living crisis is in full swing and failure isn’t an option. I’ve made this informed decision to create a better life for my family. Making the “jump” to self employment, I was filled with excitement for regaining some control of my working life, but also some trepidation, what do they say “feel the fear and do it anyway”? So that’s what I did and I’m still doing it.

So here they are my self employment reflections:

💸 Get a good accountant

I would say tax planning and book keeping are my kyrptonite (as well as contracts). So, when you have skill gaps, or simply hate doing a task, outsource! Finding a good accountant was essential for me, and thanks to Lara at Found & Flourish, I found Ruth from Baker&Co. Is it weird to say that I love my accountant? I trust her completely, she’s talked me through each step to level up my understanding and help me feel in control of my business finances AND Ruth will save me time and money in the long run.

Action: Business Plan, Xero Set Up, Starling Bank, VAT registration

✍️ Get clear on what you can offer people and communicate it well

It's important to get clear on your unique value proposition and what services or products you can offer to your clients. Also, take time to work out what you really enjoy doing and who you want to work with and why. Once you have that it's equally important to communicate it effectively. It can also change and evolve over time, and that’s expected.

Action: Brand and Marketing Strategy, New Website, Improved copy

🙌 It will feel hard & that’s a good thing, keep going

At the start of the year, I felt overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. I tried to look at it with a sense of curiosity and remind myself, "This is the bit at the beginning that feels like you don't know what you're doing. You do. Keep going.” If it feels hard, remember it's an opportunity for growth and learning. Pushing through leads to a great sense of accomplishment.

Action: Stay curious, look for ways to learn and grow

🧘 Look after yourself

This is an ongoing work in progress. Sometimes I feel like I'm making progress, and other times, I feel like I'm falling off track and need to get back on again.

In February I started strong, working out at the gym most mornings before getting to laptop work. A devastating life event in March derailled me and I had no motivation for exercise. I’ve just signed back up to a local gym. I know that making time for physical exercise improves my productivity, creativity, and overall happiness.

Running a business can be stressful, and it's easy to neglect your own well-being. I pour everything into the things I do and exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones really helps me.

Action: Hypnotherapy, Medication, Heights, Weight training, Walks in nature, Being present, Balanced diet

✨ There is opportunity everywhere

When I first began my second journey of self-employment, I made a conscious effort to reconnect and have coffee with all the inspirational people I perhaps didn't feel I had time to do when in full-time employment. I love people and felt so fulfilled talking to those who had a variety of different projects in progress. It helped me connect the dots to problems that I could solve.

Exploring new markets and being open to new ideas and collaborations is a great way to grow and develop your business in exciting and unexpected ways. Collaboration over competition any day, and there’s always enough to go around.

Action: Embracing a mindset of opportunity and abundance

💕 Community is everything

I know I bang on about it constantly, but community really is everything. I cannot emphasise the importance of feeling connected and part of something greater than yourself. Building relationships with others in your industry, or city, and surrounding yourself with supportive peers, provides so many valuable resources and helps to combat feelings of isolation. Running your own business can be lonely, but am grateful to have avoided that, thanks to PLATF9RM and the wider connections it brings. Evidence shows that helping others can also benefit our own mental health and wellbeing, it can reduce stress as well as improve mood, self-esteem and happiness.

Action: Join a coworking space or other community group

I hope these reflections help you on your self employed journey and if you need any help with your brand and marketing strategy, get in touch.


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